Wazifa For Getting Pregnant

Wazifa For Getting Pregnant

Wazifa For Getting Pregnant

Wazifa For Getting Pregnant or dua to get pregnant with a boy is a type of surah imran for conceiving. We are here to provide you solution about what dua to read when trying to get pregnant?

Which Wazifa Use For Getting Pregnant?

Any married couple will want their offsprings. Some couples will bear a child within a few months of marriage. But some couples are not that lucky. But the Almighty will surely help you. Just pray to him. Therefore, you must say the wazifa for getting pregnant.

Many people have received the blessings of Allah. But you have to say the wazifa for getting pregnant correctly. First of all, the woman has to do this wazifa. She can start it on any day. She must say the dua after the Maghrib prayers.

Now let us see how to perform the wazifa for getting pregnant. Firstly, the woman needs to be calm and composed. She must do ablution. Next, recite part of Surah #3, Surah Ale ‘Imran, Verse #38 of The Noble Qur’an. Recite it seven times. Finally, raise your hands and pray to the Almighty for a healthy child.

Wazifa For Getting Pregnant

Wazifa For Getting Pregnant

The woman needs to follow some rules. First of all, do the wazifa every day until you become pregnant. Secondly, she must keep praying to Allah every day. She must have only good thoughts in her mind. Finally, the woman must remain calm and composed. She must not lose hopes. Everything will eventually become fine.

Which Dua Use To Get Pregnant With A Boy?

Dua To Get Pregnant With A Boy, Honestly, it does not matter whether the Almighty blesses you with a girl or a boy. Both are going to light up your life.

But the boy is going to grow up and remain with you. He will carry the name of the family for a lifetime. Therefore, some couples want a boy. If you too wish to this, then you have to read the dua to get pregnant with a boy.

If you want a boy, then you have to say the below-mentioned dua. This is the dua to get pregnant with a boy. You will find that there are some difficult words in this dua. Therefore, you have first to make sure that you say the words correctly. Lord will answer your prayers if you don’t make mistakes.

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Fardun, Hayyun, Qayyumun, Hakamun, `Adlun, Quddusun,

Sa-yaj`alu Allahu ba`da `usrinyusra,

Hab li min ladunkawaliyyanyarithunee,

yukhrijukumtiflanthumma li-tablughu.

Next, let us see the process for the dua to get pregnant with a boy. This dua the mother has to perform. Firstly, she must have her bath. Next, she must sit is a calm place. The place also needs to be clean. After this, say the daily prayer. Finally, the woman must recite the dua.

When the woman is saying the dua, she must have a positive mindset. There must not be any negative thoughts in her mind. She must say this dua with full concentration. Finally, she must not have any bad intentions and bad things for others in her mind. Only then her dua will be answered.

Which Surah Imran Use For Conceiving?

Surah Imran For Conceiving, Sometimes after years of marriage, the couple is not blessed with a child. This will frustrate the couple. They may even drift apart from each other. Therefore, it is essential to take remedial measures for the same. The surah Imran for conceiving considered to be an excellent option to help the couple get their wish.

But before you say the surah Imran for conceiving, the couple needs to do some essential things. First of all, they need to check with the doctor if there are no medical issues.

Also, if any treatment is required, then they need to take the same. Next, the couple must lead a life that is free from stress. Especially the woman needs to be happy. The husband must create an environment where the woman can remain satisfied.

Now let us see the surah Imran for conceiving. The Surah Al-‘Imran is as follows O, my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation. The couple can also say Du’a of Zakariyya(as). in Al Quran SuratulAnbiyaa. “Oh Allah, please don’t leave me alone (childless), for you are the best of those who give inheritors.”

While saying these verses, the couple needs to follow some rules. First of all, they must sit in a clean room. Next, there must be no bad thoughts while saying these verses. Finally, they need to make sure that they say the verses till they get their wish.

FAQ About Wazifa For Getting Pregnant

What Dua To Read When Trying To Get Pregnant?

When a woman is desperately trying to conceive, there is only one thought in her mind. That is what dua to read when trying to get pregnant? Firstly, understand that there is not one but many duas that one can say. It is essential to check with an expert which dua you must say daily. The answer to your question what dua to read when trying to get pregnancies in the dua RabbiiHablii Milla Dunkaa Zurriyyatann TyiibatInnaka Sami Udduaaa First of all, you have to do the Tahajjud Namaz. After the namaz, the person has to recite the dua. Make sure that you continue with this practice until you get pregnant. Finally, remember that along with the dua, you also have to say the Surah Maryam. There is one more answer to your query what dua to read when trying to get pregnant. You have to say the below-mentioned verse daily: Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of Fire. (2:201) My Lord, I need whatever good you send down to me (28:24) Our Lord, Give us, from our spouses and our children, the comfort of eyes, and make our heads of the God-fearing (25:74) O my Lord, bless me with a righteous son.” (37:100) My Lord, do not leave me alone, and you are the best of inheritors (21:89) O my Lord, grant me from your own (power) a goodly progeny. Verily, you are the One who listens to the prayer (3:38) First of all, you have to say salāt al ḥājah. This is the prayer for need. Next, you have to say the above dua. Finally, pray to the almighty for a child.

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